7 Days of Garbage

1 min read


Ever wondered what all your waste might look like over a lifetime? Or maybe even just 7 days?

This incredible project called 7 Days of Garbage by Gregg Segal highlights the mess we’re in (quite literally). 

It’s a thought that runs through my mind every time I throw something in the bin. First I think, where is that going to end up? Next I think about that ever-growing pile of waste I am personally responsible for.

What would that pile look like for each of us? Would seeing it, or having to deal with it ourselves, change our behaviour?

Imagine if the council just dumped all your rubbish in one go back onto your driveway and said, “Deal with that. It’s yours after all”.

Maybe then we’d be slightly more careful with what we buy and how much waste it generates!

The beauty industry is responsible for over 120 billion units of packaging every year. If you were the subject of one of Gregg’s shots, how much beauty packaging do you think you’d be lying in?

By using SBTRCT you can make the answer to that question a big fat zero. Our compostable plastic-free packaging means your beauty routine can be zero waste without having to compromise on skincare results.