Surf's Adaptogen Adaptation.

1 min read


Steve Davies and your mushroom surfboards, we salute you.

🏄‍♀️ There are 400,000 surfboards made every year and of those 80% are not sustainable.

🌊 But Steve Davies and his Mushroom surfboard innovations may just be the start of reducing the environmental impact of the sport by removing the Plastic.

🐬 The impact of Plastic is everywhere. Surfers know this only too well. They see it first hand every time they step into the water and movements like Surfers Against Sewage are helping to fight the fight.

💡 It is projects like this that help demonstrate that there is ALWAYS a way to challenge a legacy industry that is Plastic addicted.

With SBTRCT, sometimes challenging the reliance of plastic in the beauty industry feels like too big a fight to fight.

Too many big corporations using “recyclable” as an ethical proof point to trick the customer but avoiding tackling the bigger, systemic plastics issue (because recycled isn’t for the most part actually recycled but landfilled…but that’s a whole other post).

But stories like this give us a little boost.

The more that people like Steve show that there is a different way, the more those legacy industries need to take notice.

But for real impact, we need customers to try the different way too. Challenge their habits, try the alternatives, look at planet and product as co-benefits from the brands they buy.

We will certainly be trialling this fungi fun when it hits the shelves.

Thanks Steve.